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How to Examine Non-Conductive Samples with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)?

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) with Computer in the Laboratory

What is SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope)?

SEM, translated into Turkish as Scanning Electron Microscope, is a type of microscope used to obtain high-resolution images of surface structures. It works by scanning an electron beam onto the surface of a sample, which collects signals from the surface, creating high-resolution images.

Thin film coatings, low vacuum modes, low voltage SEM, conductive polymer coatings and Environmental SEM (ESEM) can be used to prevent electron deposition and consequent image artifacts, especially on the surface of non-conductive samples. Thin-film coatings are widely used among them.

Main Features and Application Process of Thin Film Coatings:

  1. Coating Material: The most commonly used coating materials are gold(Au), palladium(Pd) and carbon(C). The material chosen will vary depending on the nature of the sample, the properties to be examined and the analysis technique used.

  2. Coating Device: The coating process is usually performed using a magnetron coating system (sputter coater) or a carbon coating device. These devices are designed to create an ultra-thin and even coating layer on the sample. You can visit our product page you can for laboratory type desktop coating systems.

  3. Analysis Effect: The coating should be chosen carefully, especially if used for elemental analysis such as energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). For example, if you are using gold plating, you can expect to see gold peaks in the EDS spectrum. This should be considered when interpreting your analysis results.

  4. Before and After Coating Considerations: Before coating process, the sample must be clean and dry. After coating, the sample can be used directly for SEM imaging.

  5. Disadvantages of Thin Film Coatings: The coating process can be detrimental, especially for sensitive and easily changeable samples. In addition, the coating may mask surface details and some features may be overlooked.

Alternative Methods

Alternative methods such as low vacuum SEM modes, low voltage scanning or environmental SEM (ESEM) can be used if the sample is not suitable for coating or if the effects of coating are not desired.

Thin film coating is an effective method to prevent charge accumulation, especially during SEM examination of non-conductive materials. Coating devices can be supplied from our company. To get a quote contact page.

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